Building and running the project in debug and release for client
- Download and install a code editor like Sublime Text or VSCode. I prefer Sublime Text. You can even use Nodepad++
- Download and install Node.js using prebuild installer - it includes NPM. NPM is used to install packages
- Install the next packages globally with the folloing command in the CMD: npm i -g http-server rollup uglify-js
- To add the Rollup bin folder to the Path type this command to know where npm was installed npm config get prefix. This command will show you the npm location. You will find the "node_modules" folder there. Go to the "rollup/dist/bin" folder and copy this path, for example for me: `C:\Users\8Observer8\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\rollup\dist\bin`. Add this folder to the Path variable. Rerun the CMD
- Download any JavaScript project without the server side from my repository. These projects end with "js" and do not contain the "src/server" folder
- Go in the CMD to the project folder where the "rollup.config.js" file is located
- Start the development mode with the following command: npm run dev Rollup will start watching changes in the project source files
- Open another CMD in the current folder and run the server using the following command: http-server -c-1
- Go to the browser and type the following link: localhost:8080 The project will be running in your browser
- To make a release build of the client you should to stop "npm run dev" by pressing Ctrl+C. Type npm run release. The compressed "index.js" file will be created in the "public/js" folder. Refresh the browser page by clicking to the reload button with right mouse button (it is for Chrome and Edge) and select "Empty Cache and Hard Reload"