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Setting up SDL3 for Windows using CMake and MinGW-w64

Compilation a very simple "Hello, World" example to EXE

Creating a window using SDL3 and writing code in the separated "main.cpp" file

The previous example creates "main.cpp" inside of the "CMakeLists.txt" using "file(WRITE... )":

file(WRITE main.cpp "#include <SDL3/SDL.h>\nint main() {SDL_Init(0);SDL_Quit();return 0;}")

Let's create our "main.cpp" and a window.

How to hide the console

When you run the "app.exe" from the example above you see a window and the console. Let's hide the console

Setting the background color using OpenGL with the GLAD library

Qt Creator IDE

You can open and the previous project in the Qt Creator

Creating an OpenGL window in Qt Creator

Embeding text files to EXE using the "embed" library

Let's create a text file and embed it in the EXE. We'll print the contents of the text file to the console

Embeding textures to EXE using the "embed" library

This example uses the embed library. You don't need to install this library. It will be installed automatically by "CMakeLists.txt"

Building ImGUI statically and setting up it to the CMake project

Setting up Box2D

In the future:

Setting up the header only GLM library

Embeding audio files to EXE and play music and sounds with OpenAL

Setting up Bullet Physics